Monthly Archives: January 2011

Welcome to Rome

It’s hard to have a bad meal in Rome.  It is particularly hard to have a bad first meal in Rome. And it’s nearly impossible to have a bad meal in Rome, the night you arrive, if you’re helping to cook it yourself and sharing it with a convivial mix of old and new friends.  […]

Baity’s Birthday Bolognese and An Important Announcement Regarding the Future of Headline Foods

Remember back last spring when I was doing that whole “Countdown to Italy” series? Because I was going to visit some friends in Rome for a week and I was super excited about it, and thus cooking all kinds of Italian food at home and/or writing about that cooking class I took a few summers […]

Battle Pumpkin Part Deux: Pepper Pumpkin Polenta

Even though some people claim that pumpkin is old news, what with it being January now and all, I’m still going to share this doozy with you.  Because one, I made it Thanksgiving weekend, aka the mother of all pumpkiny weekends, and two, it was really interesting and worth discussing.  And tasty as hell.Of the many […]